There has been a lot of buzz about GenAI potentially impacting the marketing world. Some worry it’ll take over our jobs, especially in content creation. In contrast, others doubt its ability to truly complement our efforts. However, I take a more practical perspective that leverages GenAI as an asset, not a threat or a mere novelty.


My journey with GenAI has been about discovering how it can support our work, not replace us. It’s like having an insightful colleague always available to review our drafts, offering fresh viewpoints without the scheduling headaches.

I’ve found using GenAI for feedback on drafts to be particularly useful. It offers new perspectives, helps identify gaps, and occasionally points out potential pitfalls I might have overlooked. Here’s how GenAI can support our marketing craft:

  1. First Impressions: Asking GenAI for initial feedback can be enlightening. It quickly spots areas that might need a rethink or polish, often revealing angles we hadn’t considered.
  2. Filling the Gaps: Digging deeper, GenAI helps identify what might be missing or could be expanded upon in our narratives. It’s adept at suggesting enhancements that enrich our content.
  3. Predicting Reactions: Importantly, we can use GenAI to gauge potential negative impressions, allowing for adjustments that can make the message more palatable and effective across diverse audiences.

Not every piece of GenAI feedback will be actionable. Much like sifting through human insights, it’s about identifying what aligns with our goals and discarding what doesn’t. This process speeds up revisions, improving our workflow and freeing our mental bandwidth for more strategic tasks.

It’s up to us to sift through, take what makes sense, and discard what doesn’t. The beauty of th approach is that it speeds up the revision process, enabling us to iterate faster and more efficiently. It’s about lifting the cognitive load, not just from ourselves but also from our teams.

Marketing isn’t about making pretty things; it’s a strategic endeavor. We harness our deep understanding of the market, the customer, and the solution—insights that GenAI cannot independently generate. In leveraging GenAI for feedback, we’re not diminishing our role but amplifying our strategic impact, ensuring our messages hit the right chord more swiftly and effectively. By leveraging GenAI, we’re not ceding our strategic edge but bolstering it, ensuring our marketing efforts are as impactful and resonant as possible.

Utilizing GenAI for content feedback has consistently refined my work. It’s not necessarily about reaching conclusions we couldn’t achieve on our own or with human collaboration but about enhancing our efficiency and the resonance of our messaging.

As we navigate this transformative technology, let’s embrace GenAI as a complementary tool in our arsenal that aids us in our mission to connect with and influence our audiences more effectively. We can streamline our efforts and focus more on the strategic aspects of marketing that truly drive results by integrating Gen AI into our programs.